The next build is on its way, and I'm pretty excited about it. The features I'm working on are:
+Lions move broadly toward the player (extremely simple motion planning for now)
+Lions will "attack" player when beside him (this currently just means spamming the message box with a fake attack notice)
+Lions and Deer are no longer passable. They will block each other and the player.
To Do (as part of this build):
+Implement Status screen for player
+Implement HP and maybe some other basic stats
+Allow player to attack lions, causing time to pass
+Add a toggle for time, between continuous and rogue-like
+Mountains now spawn
+Mountains can be dug to create awesome lairs!
To Do:
+Add better mountain graphics, e.g. outside wall visible, with inside dark (Toady One hopefully won't sue)
+Add hidden caves which only appear when dug into/near
+Think about how I'm going to stop player interacting with objects when there's no line of sight (I can pick up lions through a wall at the moment)
+Merged Nearby Objects and Current Square lists into one+Tidied the general code which will make creating the Status menu easier
To Do:
+Decide what I'm going to do with the extra space generated from merging the lists
+Knock together a new HUD background in Paint
+Make the list ordering work better. First should be the top object on the square the player is next to and facing. Next, any monsters near enough for player to attack. Next, other objects on the current square. Lastly, other objects further away the player can interact with. This might get changed, but at the moment it's sorting them into a horrible order, and this sounds like a better way to go.
Hopefully I'll have time for all this at the weekend, stay tuned...