Monday 27 September 2010

Terrastrom v1.0.3_2

Sorry Notch, I've brazenly stolen your version numbering system. (Release.Major.Minor_Revision)

This is more of an improvement to the last release, so no screenshot or new minor version number today.

I've now altered the code so that the player himself doesn't appear on the object list. This took a bit of faffing, and I ended up writing functions which retrieve the player's index from the list he's in, and another which returns the index of an object pretending the player isn't there. 

The player is usually at the end of the list, as the most recent to enter the square, but when a deer moves on top of you the deer becomes the last item, so no quick fudge was possible.

I also had to make sure that when the square contains only the player nothing funky happens, which I dealt with using a List.Count if statement, so the black arrow now doesn't appear at all when there are no objects to point at.

The code probably needs tidying, but weekends are the time to cleanse.

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